

Tregolls Academy is included in the Aspire Academy Trust Admission arrangements for 2024/25 - earlier admission arrangements do not apply owing to the fact the school joined the Trust on 1st September 2022.

You can apply online for a school place via School Admissions at the link listed below.

If you need further advice on the application process please contact schooladmissions@cornwall.gov.uk or call 0300 1234 101

For help completing the application, understanding the process or other aspects of school admissions, or if your family's first language is not English, you can also contact the Family Information Service on 0800 587 8191 or via their website at fis@cornwall.gov.uk

Deferred/Delayed Admission to Reception Year

The majority of children start school full-time in the September following their fourth birthday. However, in some cases parents believe that starting part-time or starting later in the school year would be more appropriate for their child, particularly where their child was born prematurely and would otherwise have been due to start school a year later.

Parents can speak to the Family Information Service on 0800 587 8191 for advice and request a meeting with the head of the school where they have been allocated, or are hoping to gain, a place.

Admissions to the Area Resource Base

The Area Resource Bases is a specialist provision designed to meet the needs of up to 10 children, with severe and complex learning difficulties. Children will be referred for placement by the Children’s Services Authority through the Manager of the Special Education Team. They will consult with the ‘responsible person’ in the school prior to the placement in line with the recommendations in the SEN Code of Practice. If you would like your child to attend, please make your request to the SEN team at Cornwall Council. Each placement will consider the specific needs of each child and the ability of the ARB to meet those needs.

Admissions to Tregolls Nursery

Every three and four-year-old in England is entitled to a minimum of 15 hours of free early learning for 38 weeks a year, delivered flexibly over a minimum of three days. We can also provide additional nursery provision, as required, for a charge. At Tregolls Nursery we have a large outdoor play area specifically designed for three to five-year-olds with climbing and outdoor play apparatus. We provide a full and varied range of activities both indoor and outdoor in line with EYFS and were given a very positive Ofsted report in July 2014. We always have a qualified senior teacher leading the Nursery provision, because we believe that if we get it right early children here will go on an exceptional journey. If you would like to apply for a place, please register your interest with the school reception in the first instance.

Tregolls Academy
School website design by eSchools. Content provided by Tregolls Academy. All rights reserved. 2024