
Year 4/5 Cober Class

Miss Randall

Y4/5 Class Teacher

Mr Barnard

Y5/Y5 Class Teacher

Welcome to our class page! On here, you'll find updated information every term about our learning.
Reading is vitally important and unlocks all learning opportunities. Please ensure that your child is reading for 10 minutes a day and that their reading diary is signed each time. Children can also use Times Tables Rock Stars to support their mathematical fluency. Additional home learning tasks will be sent home weekly. 
Below is a copy of the curriculum map for Year 4/5. It will give you the key learning questions for each subject across the year. These can be cross referenced with the subject curriculum pages that outline all of the key information that the children will learn about in that subject. Additionally we will send you a curriculum letter each term. This will contain information about any trips or visitors we might have as well as the key learning for that half term.
Parental support with the children's learning is essential. Reading daily, talking to your child about their day and 15 minutes of Times Tables learning really will make a huge difference.
Please ensure that you child's uniform is clearly labelled as well as their PE kit. 
If you have any questions then please come and speak to us at the end of the day or email the school hello@tregolls.org.uk.
Thank you

Tregolls Academy
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