
Wraparound Care

Wrap Around provision operates from the ‘Calm Room’. This can be accessed by the gate closest to the school kitchen (near where the minibus parks). The calm room has access out onto the grassed area at the back of the Children’s Centre and the door is signposted.
Toast, cereals, milk and juice are provided for the morning breakfast club, and children also have snack time during the after school sessions.
How to book
Bookings for Breakfast Club and After School care provision are made via Parent Pay now and paid for in advance so that daily numbers/names are known. Please book the breakfast club by 3.30pm the day before you need it. Please book the after school care by 2.30pm on the day you’ll need it.
We understand that work commitments and childcare arrangements can change unexpectedly, so don’t panic if you miss the deadline. Just call 01872 274020, option 3 to let us know - your child can attend and you will see a ‘debt’ on your ParentPay account for the sessions taken, which we would appreciate if you could pay for that day so as not to accrue further debt.
Parents and children will need to sign an agreement to say that children need to exhibit safe behaviour. 
After school pick up 
Please come to the school office. Ring 01872 274020 option 3. This will then call the wrap around care team and they will bring your child to the front office for collection.
Breakfast club: £5.00 per session, 7.45am – 8.45am.
After school: £5 per session from 3.15 – 4.15pm or £10.00 for childcare from 3.15 – 5.30pm.

Tregolls Academy
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